The goal of this game is to experience what injustice does to you. You take on the role of a pupil who starts at primary school. All students have an IQ of approximately 110 but all have a different socio-economic status and cultural background.

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Equal Opportunity Workshop

Is your team ready for insight, experience and exchange among themselves about opportunity inequality in education? Play IQ110 together with your colleagues led by one of the game's creators. Book a workshop online now.

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The Game

Going to school doesn’t just mean getting lessons. During your school career you will find yourself in many different situations. There are always choices and consequences in every situation. All these positive and negative experiences affect the rest of your life.

In our game you, as a primary school student, experience what it is like and what the consequences are of injustice. All students have an IQ of around 110, but they all have a different socio-economic status and there are differences in cultural, social and psychological capital. Are you curious how different people experience injustice?

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Experience the game together!

Is your team ready for insight, experience and mutual exchange about inequality of opportunity in education? Play IQ110 together with your colleagues under the guidance of one of the creators of the game.

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Inequality of opportunity

Inequality of opportunity is a complex theme that education and upbringing professionals have to deal with on a daily basis. IQ110 has been developed to provide more insight into this subject.

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Share the knowledge with others!

Do you want to do something in your area against inequality of opportunity? Then work alone or in a group with our canvases!

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Enrich yourself!

We have collected interesting articles especially for you and your organization. Take a look and enrich yourself with knowledge!

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About us

We are a not-for-profit company. All our income is invested in the development of the game and its brand awareness. The main goal of the makers of IQ110 is to make the problem of inequality of opportunity more insightful and concrete and to facilitate and stimulate actions against inequality of opportunity.

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Order the game online!

Want to play the game at home or with colleagues? You can easily order the game from! Order quickly and experience the unfair game!

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